One of Asia’s most prominent fashion events, the Jakarta Fashion Week, has partnered with the AR, VR, and AI-focused tech company, WIR group, to host a fashion show within the metaverse. WIR group’s metaverse platform, powered by augmented reality, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence, will bring together businesses, customers, and fashion enthusiasts all in one digital location.
“The collaboration will drive fashion industry transformation further into the digital world. Indonesian creative and fashion industry players have good capabilities, but they don’t get enough opportunities,” stated Svida Alisjahbana, GCM Group CEO and JFW Chairwoman.
The metaverse is a brilliant opportunity to solve this predicament. The initiative will present opportunities to the Indonesian fashion industry to showcase its products on an international scale and interact with customers and businesses from all across the globe.
“This collaboration shows that the national industry trusts the WIR group. It keeps us motivated to continue developing innovations and providing technological solutions for various sectors, helping them face challenges in this borderless digital era,” said Gupta Sitorus, CMO of WIR group.
Over the years, the WIR group has inked several MoUs to facilitate cross-sector collaboration and establish its presence in the metaverse. Some of the notable partners include Bank Rakyat Indonesia and Bank Negara Indonesia from the financial sector, retail giant Alfamart, FMCG company Kalbe Nutritionals, Indonesian independent music label Sun-Eater, and the property developers Vasanta and Triniti Land, and more. The latest entrant to this list has been the Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW).
Since 2009, the WIR group has worked on thousands of projects with clients spanning over 20 countries, including the US, Germany, Spain, Nigeria, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Myanmar.
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