Google brings ancient animals back to life with Augmented Reality
Google Arts and culture

Google brings ancient animals back to life with Augmented Reality

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Google has recreated ancient animals with Augmented Reality that can wander freely in your living room through a smartphone. Ancient animals like Cambropachycope, an ancient crustacean with a unique pointy head wrapped in tiny eyes or the old and large filter feeder, or the largest animals to live in this world have been brought back to life by using augmented reality.

“In collaboration with institutions such as Moscow’s State Darwin Museum and London’s Natural History Museum, we’ve brought a menagerie of prehistoric animals back to digital life. Thanks to AR, you can see them up close through your phone.” – Google Arts & Culture.

If unusual critters are not your thing, Google has also recreated several rare cultural artifacts for people to experience in augmented reality.

Users can find these in the Google Arts & Culture app accessible for free on Android and iOS.

The augmented reality animals and artwork are recreated with the help from Google’s AR framework known as ARCore.

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