The Rock City VR Game Truck is a new virtual reality gaming truck
Rock City VR Game Truck

The Rock City VR Game Truck is a new virtual reality gaming truck

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The Rock City VR Game Truck is a new gaming truck with four-game stations, an aircraft simulator, and two race car simulators to satisfy any gamer’s needs.

“At each station, you can be playing a different system at any given time, and each station has the capability to run two systems at a time, so one person could be playing with PlayStation virtual reality, and somebody could be playing X Box at the same time.” – Arnelle Comissiong, Co-owner.

The idea came after Arnelle Comissiongs, with their two children, went on a family cruise. The cruise had a VR game room, and the kids enjoyed it and kept asking for more.

Rock City VR Game truck came in February 2020, just before the start of COVID-19. They then waited for the lockdown to end.

The game truck comes with X Box 360, X Box One, Nintendo Switch, Wii U, PlayStation 4, VR headsets, motion guns, and motion controller pairs. The truck is available for teen parties, birthday parties, gaming tournaments, school events, corporate events, fundraisers.

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