XRHealth launches new digital training plan to provide personalized virtual treatments

XRHealth launches new digital training plan to provide personalized virtual treatments

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XRHealth, a virtual clinic treating patients at home with medical VR therapy, has announced a new digital training plan offering weekly customized treatment plans. It is created by an XRHealth professional and can be accessed through a virtual reality headset.

Weekly personalized treatment plans allow patients to engage in therapy from their home, providing both therapist and patient with data on healthcare progress. Therapists can adjust the therapy, and patients can ask for adjustments. XRHealth uses VR technology to give drug-free treatments which are engaging and fun and result in excellent healthcare outcomes.

“We want everyone to have full access to the best healthcare available while in the comfortable environment of their own home. We have seen that patients who enjoy the treatment process are more consistent with their prescribed plan and have better results.” – Eran Orr, Founder and CEO, XRHealth.

The training plans are curated for anyone with pain, anxiety & stress, neurological disorders, occupational therapy, memory-cognitive training, speech-language therapy, etc.

XRHealth uses proprietary CE and FDA registered medical XR tech. XRHealth blends immersive XR technology, advanced data analytics, and licensed therapists on the platform to provide an all-in-one therapeutic care solution.

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