Have you ever thought about where you would be if you drilled a hole right through Earth?
Known as the antipodal point, it is the location on Earth precisely opposite to where you stand. There are a few to check where you would end up if you start digging a hole. Google’s new augmented reality technology lets the user see what is on the other side of Earth or at the antipodal point.
Google has created Floom, a tool for Android devices which can visualize the digging process. Floom allows users to open AR tunnels to the other side of the planet in their browser.
The app accesses the phone’s camera, and once they have pointed it to the floor, the virtual digging process starts. Floom then opens a portal to reveal where the user’s current antipodal point is.
Google integrated the Floom app with Google Earth so that it provides users with a description of the antipodal point and includes an aerial view of the location.
But the virtual digging is not required to be straight down. By adjusting the angle of the phone, users can change how the tunnel intersects the Earth. This will provide a better sense of how small changes in angles can affect positions over long distances. Floom is currently available in Chrome browser for Android phones.
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