Minecraft Earth, which is a free-to-play AR game, will be shut down just 2 years after launch. Support for Minecraft Earth will end in the month of June 2021. The AR game was a Minecraft spin-off created by Mojang.
On June 30, the company will discontinue all service support and content for the augmented reality game. The company will also end the game development in June, and players will not be able to download any content or play the game post in June 2021. The company also mentioned that On July 1, it would delete all Minecraft Earth players’ data that are not related to Minecoin entitlements and Character Creator.
Developers, for now, have released a new update to remove real-money activities in the game. It is also decreasing time requirements for smelting and crafting and will replace crafting and smelting boosts, which are not used with radius boosts.
The company blamed the COVID-19 situation for its decision to shut down the game.
“Minecraft Earth was designed around free movement and collaborative play – two things that have become near impossible in the current global situation. As a result, we have made the difficult decision to re-allocate our resources to other areas that provide value to the Minecraft community and to end support for Minecraft Earth in June 2021.” – Company Statement.
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