Spase creates 3D and Augmented Reality product models for eCommerce
AR product models

Spase creates 3D and Augmented Reality product models for eCommerce

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Shopify, one of the largest eCommerce platform, has in recent times stepped up their shopping experience by providing a new method for shop owners to enhance their online presence through 3D and augmented reality.

Shopify last year introduced the capability for shop owners to upload 3D images of their products, which, when paired with augmented reality, provided buyers to view and interact with the products in their own space. 3D and augmented reality viewing abilities have become a game-changing technology for eCommerce sites, which is increasing sales and driving up conversion rates.

Shopify has created a platform for 3D modeling companies that create photorealistic product models. One of the leading companies of this platform is Spase, which creates an extremely optimized modeling process. 

Spase creates 3D models of products that work in the universal GLB format. This format supports phones, laptops, AR, and VR.

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