PepsiCo India has taken a unique route to promote its recently-launched ‘paper-thin, wafer thin’ chips by partnering with Snap to create an innovative augmented reality lens for the product. In addition, the brand also went through the traditional medium of mass media channels and onboarding social media influencers.
Nevertheless, the AR lens will enable snapchatters to experience an exciting magic trick starring themselves.
Shailja Joshi, Director, Marketing for potato chips category for PepsiCo India, said, “The special interactive lens allows Snapchatters to participate in a magic trick where they get to see themselves disappear while consuming the chips.”
Snapchat has worked on countless such collaborations with brands across the globe. Through such innovative campaigns, the tech firm aims to establish its position beyond just entertainment and self-expression.
Gaurav Jain, Head of APAC Business Expansion at Snap Inc, said, “With our first-of-its-kind lens, Snapchatters can watch themselves disappear – an ideal way to captivate the imagination of the consumers across the country.”
Joshi added, “As the platform harnesses the power of exciting content and interface, it offers us with the perfect opportunity to dial up the uniqueness and irresistibility quotient of our thinnest ever chip.”
The two companies aim to enhance consumer engagement through the partnership, especially among millennials and the Gen Z category of customers.
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