Here Technologies, a digital map maker formerly owned by Nokia, has been working for years to improve and broaden its location platform. Here Technologies has recently announced that it has started to offer HD 3D models of around 75 cities to enterprise developers. The data will allow enterprises to develop the next wave of smart city, entertainment apps, and mapping using 5G and mixed reality.
Here Technologies’ premier HD 3D city models include road networks and buildings, each with rich data layers, like addresses and location names. Premier 3D Cities models include structures that are geospatially and volumetrically correct to a sub-meter level, including elevation and size, along with its actual exterior color.
Here Technologies’ latest offering is important for technical decision-makers as the digital transformation of cities and businesses depends on digital twins, which are virtual models of buildings for owners, visitors, and others to access for remote facilities management, navigation, among others. The Premier 3D Cities platform provides enterprises access to lifelike 3D models, which can be used for last-mile deliveries to emergency planning or virtual site visits. These models reduce the requirement for businesses to re-develop their facilities in HD 3D while putting them within their original urban environment.
Developers can develop upon Here Technologies’ HD 3D models by combining their metadata and render streets, buildings, and cities with advanced techniques. Here Technologies suspects that the entertainment industry can use its HD 3D cities as backdrops, while other industries like telecom plan 5G network buildouts with precise location details.
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