A scientific meeting organized by Microsoft and hosted by the advanced center for clinical simulation in Granada de Iavante concentrated on mixed reality applied in the field of health. Usage of emerging technologies like mixed reality has placed it at the forefront as Granada introduces VR to health.
Mixed reality combines VR and AR technologies to build an atmosphere where virtual and physical objects can interact in real-time, which has a growing number of applications in the health sector.
The event had 25 experts from various centers of the Andalucian Public Health System (SSPA), including representatives from the Health Technology Park (PTS) and University of Granada (UGR) who have analyzed the consolidation of mixed reality devices like HoloLens 2 to varied care and training processes within the public health area.
With the help of mixed reality, surgeons can consult images, data, and any medical element to be able to view it during surgery, including the opportunity of superimposing images and even requesting remote assistance from other specialists.
In the training field, AR and VR offer the chance of learning by interacting with real components and through holograms and virtual guides that allow grasping all aspects of a particular procedure.
“Iavante is characterized by its constant search for the most innovative practices and technologies to be incorporated into the offer of training services that we offer to SSPA professionals.” – Armando Romanos, Director of Iavante.
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