MATRIX Inc. of the MetaReal Group announced a new partnership program for global travel companies and organizations in the metaverse. Partners can encourage sales of actual travel products and make money at the same time by marketing international travel destinations and services in the metaverse.
Travel-related companies and organizations can advertise their real-life travel locations and services to a worldwide audience by producing their own real-life VR content or utilizing the vast library of more than 1,000 global destinations in over 100 countries worldwide.
Travel agencies, airlines, hotel chains, and tourism boards worldwide can profit from this technology to provide potential clients with an experience similar to being there as investments in VR and the metaverse continue to expand.
In addition to encouraging more people to visit physical locations, travel agencies can make money by selling consumers their VR travel experiences and generating revenue from the platform traffic they drive.
DOKODEMO Door is a ‘metaverse space sharing platform’ where users and creators can get together, meet new people, share experiences, pick up new skills, and take advantage of metaverse spaces.
Anyone with a VR headset, PC, or smartphone can build a ‘World,’ a VR metaverse environment, and host free or paid events in which participants worldwide can participate.
The metaverse spaces of DOKODEMO Door are made of actual video and photos rather than computer graphics. With a VR headset, entering a space feels like being in the real world. Real-time AI translation is a feature of the DOKODEMO Door platform, which allows user discussions to be translated and shown in each user’s native tongue instantly.
MATRIX Inc. was established in September 2020 as a subsidiary of MetaReal Co., Ltd. It developed the reality metaverse platform DOKODEMO Door to “eliminate disparities and discrimination in the old reality, such as borders, language barriers, physical differences, knowledge gaps, and all other handicaps.”
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