REDHOUSE Virtual Education, a Frisco based startup, has found a purpose in the current pandemic – an opportunity for hands-on instruction through VR. “We’re talking about student’s lives, we’re talking about people’s families that are being affected rapidly every single day by this virus,” said Scallion. “So, why not now?” – Tony Scallion founder REDHOUSE Virtual Education.
The VR device uses a headset to start a keyboard music instruction application. The keyboard virtually appears as infrared lights on the headset track hand movements. An instructor can watch as the student learns hand position while playing the keyboard virtually. Students can watch and communicate with each other, too. The company is also working on adding virtual guitar, saxophone, trumpet, and drum, guidance.
“If we do have to go back home, the students can have their instruments and play with their instructors from home.” “Equity and equality is access.” “We have to start giving our students more access to any programs out there to grow.” – Tony Scallion founder REDHOUSE Virtual Education.
“I think as musicians and music educators, we’re better prepared to adapt to any virtual learning or technology.” “We’re used to that in music. I think we’ve always been on the cutting edge.” – Robert Floyd, Executive Director of the Texas Music Educators Association.
Some districts are examining ways to continue music education in small groups. A few schools intend to take choir rehearsal outdoors with masks on.
“Whether it’s virtual, whether it’s blended, whether it’s in a classroom, sitting down and playing. We want all of those experiences, to the extent possible, to be as meaningful as possible.” “The ultimate goal is to sit down and make music together, how we get there, and what tools we use should all be on the table.” – Robert Floyd, Executive Director of the Texas Music Educators Association.