Best Augmented Reality Apps for Education 2020
Augmented Reality Apps for Education

Best Augmented Reality Apps for Education 2020

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Amid the COVID-19, it seems like augmented reality apps for education are almost revolutionizing all learning processes. These apps bring the users’ experience to an absolutely new level, thus making everyday tasks simple. 

It is prudent to integrate the latest technologies into these apps, keeping in mind that almost every person has a smartphone. With Augmented Reality Apps, over 70% of mobile users confirm their satisfaction with mobile AR experiences! Here is a list of creative and informative augmented reality apps.


GeoGebra is an advanced tool that can assist learners in making geometry simpler! With its help, learners can construct arbitrary math objects on any surface and review them from various angles. This App provides an engaging and interactive way for learners of different grades to learn the shapes and basic geometry principles.

GeoGebra AR App

Touch Surgery

This is one of the best Augmented Reality Apps in the field of medicine. Learning various surgical procedures is a time-consuming and challenging process. However, the developers of Touch Surgery have made it simple, engaging, and fascinating. This tool is an excellent surgery simulator that helps students apply their theoretical knowledge in practice. Touch Surgery is an award-winning App available for both iOS and Android devices!

Touch Surgery AR App

Elements 4D 

This is an Android/iOS augmented reality app for education created by DAQRI studio for studying chemistry. It allows leaners to combine numerous elements as the simulation to see how they would react in reality. In the beginning, special triggers on printed cards are used. On the DAQRI studio website, you can find lesson plans suitable for high school, secondary, and elementary school programs. 

Google Translate 

The Google Translate App is available for Android or iOS devices and mainly for studying foreign languages without a dictionary. While using Google Translate special “AR mode,” a learner may instantly checkup the meaning of unknown words. The app works well for students and tourists as well, especially in navigating cities abroad. 

Math alive

This excellent math app is developed for kids in up to 3rd grades. It requires a leaner to connect a computer, a camera, and have specially printed cards. Pupils under a teacher observation place cards in front of a camera to practice basic counting skills. It is worth noting and checking up Animal Alphabet AR Flashcards. It is a similar AR app to Math Alive but for learning letters. 


Exoplanet is an interactive tool that helps students discover planets in our galaxy. It also consists of a sky map and a high-quality visual model of the Solar System. The developers of this app update it quite frequently, and therefore the information and facts presented in it remain relevant and up-to-date.

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