In an effort to become a net-zero entity, AB InBev’s Mexican beer label Corona has been working towards retrieving the plastic released into the ocean and beaches through the company’s products. Also, the brand released an augmented reality experience to mark World Ocean Week and encourage its consumers to cut down their plastic footprint.
Called ‘Plastic Reality,’ the experience begins by asking users a set of questions about their consumption habits to estimate their annual plastic footprint. AR pieces are then used to visualize the data for the consumers and showcase the amount of plastic that washes ashore in their worlds. They are further redirected to a portal that depicts a polluted beach and highlights the negative implications of plastic waste on the environment.
Wieden + Kennedy Portland has developed the campaign for the brand, including a dedicated website to provide all the requisite information.
“As a brand born at the beach and deeply connected with nature, Corona has a responsibility to do all it can to be an ally to our environment and our oceans,” said Felipe Ambra, Global Vice President of Marketing at Corona.
Ambra also mentioned the company’s milestone of becoming the first global beverage brand to achieve a net-zero plastic footprint while protecting the world’s oceans and beaches.
“We can’t do it alone,” he said, explaining the idea behind the AR experience. “Seeing your full year’s worth of plastic in your living room is truly eye-opening and hopefully will inspire people to reduce their personal plastic use and their impact on the environment.”
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