Snapchat now lets users build Lego blocks in Augmented Reality
Lego blocks

Snapchat now lets users build Lego blocks in Augmented Reality

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Lego is timeless mainly because everyone can build many things with simple blocks regardless of background or age.

However, now that Snapchat has brought AR via the Rebuild the World Snapchat Lens, the potentialities are genuinely endless.

Once users enable Rebuild the World Lens, it presents immediately presents them with three ways to start building – Solo, With People Nearby, and With Friends.

As its name indicates, Solo allows the user to build with virtual Lego blocks in augmented reality. The method is intended for Lego beginners, as the Lens gives users a four-piece method necessary to complete the car, after which the animation starts.

However, the actual Lego spirit starts later when the user is prompted to personalize the virtual scenery with Lego animals, foliage, and different sizes of Lego blocks.

If users want to share the building experience, they can restart the AR Lens to select the ‘With Friends’ option. This allowed users to choose any of their Snapchat friends and sent them an invite to begin building.

The third option allows users to play with nearby people using the ‘With People Nearby’ option. While the ‘With Friends’ selection is geared toward letting users create virtual Lego constructs with people in distant locations, the ‘With People Nearby’ is to facilitate building Lego with people in the same area.

The AR Lens prompts people to scan their environment either indoor or outdoor. The success of the scan is shown by yellow balls meaning the tracking is locked. Once locked, the AR Lens creates a new Snapcode that nearby friends can scan to join.

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