Zensory Zone is a private sensory experience built for children to help them cope with the symptoms of ADHD, autism, anxiety, trauma, and sensory processing disorders. It will be officially launched on 4 February 2020.
Samantha Kunz, the owner, developed Zensory Zone based on her experience and how it had helped her to deal with ADHD.
Sensory swings, light therapy, VR exercise, calming room, and tactile stimulation are included within Zensory Zone.
“These kids are staring at computers now eight hours a day, so when they come here, it’s different. You get to engage in your senses, use your brain, and listen to your heart. It’s a quiet, calming space.” – Samantha Kunz, Owner, Zensory Zone.
In the future, Samantha Kunz plans to bring in new elements such as Himalayan salt.
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