Virtual Reality headsets from Rendever enabling seniors to explore the world from their home
VR headsets from Rendever

Virtual Reality headsets from Rendever enabling seniors to explore the world from their home

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Health PEI is one of the first government agencies to introduce VR technology from Rendever to long-term care homes. Residents of the care home can now view the world without having to leave their care home. Rendever provides VR platforms and is based out of Boston. The company’s virtual reality systems are designed for older people.

In the current COVID-19 situation, where life has filled with loneliness for aged people, West Prince’s health-care providers have found a new way to keep their elderly occupied with virtual reality. Care providers at West Prince use smart devices to observe sessions and encourage residents to share their VR experience with others.

“What we have built is a platform that allows residents to put on these VR headsets, and they can go pretty much anywhere in the world.” – Kyle Rand, Co-founder, and CEO, Rendever.

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