Now You Can Practice Fencing through Virtual Instruction with a VR Fencing Trainer
VR Fencing

Now You Can Practice Fencing through Virtual Instruction with a VR Fencing Trainer

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Surprisingly, virtual reality (VR) has started making its way into the world of sports in a manner you never would have imagined. Fencer, a VR fencing instructor, assists aspiring fencers to understand the ins and outs of the sport using a real fencing sword attached to an Oculus Quest controller.

Developed by Boxglass, a Russian VR studio, the platform has been developed to help new players get accustomed to the sport of fencing. It has been built keeping in mind the rules and customs of the International Fencing Federation which is the governing body of Olympic fencing.

Using the app, the users can walk through a gamified set of exercises aimed at simulating a reaction and building the player’s attention. It would assist the player to train with both attacking and defensive strategies using a fencing sword attached to the Oculus Quest’s controller.

The studio claims that precise ‘muscle memory and motor skills are formed’ using their platform as the player uses a real fencing sword of the appropriate weight as they would have in a real fencing duel.

Realistically, it is not going to be exactly the same as playing with a real opponent but the app could definitely help the players build accuracy, practice for sword placement, evasion, and several other skills integral to the sport.

Priced at €2,000, the entire package consists of the headset, sword and controller mount, and the app license. Being already launched last month, the studio is targeting more fencing gyms rather than standalone users for the product.

Sadly, a more consumer-focused alternative of BYOS (bring your own sword) is not available yet. But apart from being more relevant for existing players of the sport, such an innovation might lower the barrier to entry for new ones and draw a lot more audience to the sport.

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