The makers of the augmented reality (AR) smart contact lens Mojo Lens, Mojo Vision, have revealed that they have created a potential consumer implementation of Alexa Shopping List on their Mojo Lens prototype.
The company claims that the implementation represents the first significant third-party consumer application on its smart contact lens. According to Mojo Vision, the test integration has also helped to demonstrate how it might integrate Alexa’s voice AI with the distinctive and potent eye-based interface of Mojo Lens.
As Mojo Vision calls itself, the’ Invisible Computing Company has made great strides in creating its smart contact lens technology. The business is still looking for new opportunities for this ground-breaking solution.
The Alexa Shopping List test integration demonstrates how Mojo Vision’s hands-free, eyes-up technology could function with Amazon’s Alexa voice AI and Alexa Shopping List feature. The use case imagines an experience in which a person can access their shopping list at the grocery store or any other retail store without interruption, quickly checking things off hands-free and ensuring they don’t forget any items.
Before going to the store, a user can ask Alexa to add items to an Alexa Shopping List using the test integration. While browsing the aisles of a store, the user can access their list in their field of view by using the Alexa Shopping List feature, which would appear as one of the applications on Mojo Lens.
The customer can easily read and scroll through the list with their eyes alone, checking items off as they add them to their shopping cart. The list instantly updates on Mojo Lens if another household member adds items, ensuring no items are overlooked before checking out.
Amazon provided implementation and development assistance to Mojo Vision, enabling the test demonstration of the Alexa Shopping List for Mojo Lens.
“Alexa Shopping List is a powerful example of how Mojo Lens can be a platform for a range of useful eyes-up, hands-free consumer applications, and experiences,” stated Mike Wiemer, VP of Engineering, CTO, and co-founder of Mojo Vision.