A series of dynamic augmented reality (AR) games featuring five Red Bull athletes was recently launched by the brand. Called, Discover Your Wiiings, the games will be available to play until March 31 on the Red Bull AR App. The customers would be given opportunities to win exclusive prizes including a custom activation surfboard, skateboard, custom computer case, Scott helmet, and remote-control race car through several engagement activities.
Customers must download the Red Bull AR app on their smartphone, pick the athlete of their liking, and scan a can or pack of Red Bull Energy Drink, Red Bull Sugarfree, or Red Bull Zero to unlock the games. A custom sport item or signature merchandise will be up for grabs as the grand prize for the top-scoring players.
The athletes featuring in the series are gaming phenom Tyler “Ninja” Blevins, four-time World Champion surfer Carissa Moore, skateboarding legend Zion Wright, motorsports sensation Travis Pastrana, and mountain biking icon Kate Courtney.
The games feature life-like visual effects that transport the players into an e-arena where they can surf epic waves, skateboard through a street skate park, race across a dirt track, and bike through a rugged forest.
For the research and development of the game, the developers resorted to computer vision techniques employed in manufacturing and robotic automation industries for over eleven months. The most remarkable challenge that they had to solve was recognizing a Red Bull can with a significant amount of aluminum reflection and an undistinguished cylinder shape while stably tracking it in 3D space.
The game simply transports the players to new virtual worlds and awards once-in-a-lifetime prizes but is an incredible combination of art and science.
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