Five Ways Medical Virtual Reality is Changing Healthcare
Medical Virtual Reality

Five Ways Medical Virtual Reality is Changing Healthcare

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Virtual reality (VR) is a simulated experience where an individual can connect or interact with an artificial 3D environment, making everything more relatable, real, and convenient for people.

Although this technology has been around for less than a decade, most people are still not comfortable using it. On the other hand, in the last few years, the medical field has started to reach out to the benefits of Virtual Reality to reap the innovative advantages of these computer-generated simulations where interactions are more realistic – quite true to its name.

It has dramatically improved the way our health care systems operate. What was just a science fiction dream before is a reality now.

Here are the 5 ways of how medical VR has changed our healthcare:

It revolutionized medical education and training

Conducted in 2016, the very first virtual surgery can be viewed online in real-time. Since this technology is now included in the training for surgeons’, those who are enrolled and are learning from it are more confident in their skills and show more precision in their work. The best part is that medical VR training is for everyone. Now, as an aspiring surgeon, you do not need to settle for peeking from the back of another student to guess what is being done. With your VR goggles, you can see what is happening in real-time.

Quicker recovery in physical therapy

Getting a stroke patient to start rehabilitation is important. Thanks to Neuro Rehab VR, it is now possible to start with the training exercises before the patient starts losing his ability to move. Today, these exercises are enjoyable and are tailored to the immediate needs of the patient. Again, the results related to mobility are impressively positive, and patients who have access to this technology prefer this to the traditional approach.

More engaged medical conferences

As much as doctors and those in the medical field love gaining new knowledge, attending medical conferences can be tedious at times. Since the lectures and presentations lack interaction, the audience tends to lose enthusiasm and avoids participating in any way. Today, professionals are absorbing as much information as possible through VR presentations and conferences, with only a VR headset in hand. The gamification and 3D visualizations incorporated in these lectures elicit incredible reactions from an audience that is difficult to impress, and it has now become possible to achieve almost 100% participation. Conferences are now positively productive and entertaining.

Fosters Understanding and Empathy

Doctors and those in the medical field know that their patients are confused, overwhelmed, and afraid, but not everybody understands them and their feelings. The best positive change brought about by medical VR is that it led to better empathy and understanding between patients and doctors. Today, there are VR applications where doctors and nurses can simulate and experience exactly what an elderly patient goes through. For instance, through Virtual Reality, the gradual loss of sight or hearing can now be broken down and experienced. Thanks to VR, even hallucinations experienced by schizophrenic patients can now be better understood. This has broken the barrier in the doctor-patient relationship, creating a better connection between them.

Better Patient Experience

Staying in a hospital can be unpleasant. To help the patients relax and reduce their suffering, VR provides smart solutions. For example, patients who need to go under surgery can now use VR to calm themselves by looking at calming sceneries during preliminary procedures. Those being treated for burns can be transported virtually to Snow World to make them more comfortable.
Medical VR is full of possibilities, as there is so much that can be achieved over here.

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