Dock10 Unveils a Real-Time AR Motion Capture Solution
Real-Time AR Motion Capture Solution

Dock10 Unveils a Real-Time AR Motion Capture Solution

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The media services company, Dock10, unveiled an AR solution for broadcasters to render augmented reality-based characters in real-time. The platform uses a combination of full-body motion-capture and facial-capture software to facilitate better movement and real-time rendering of AR characters within virtual sets.

With their AR robot character CLOGS, for BBC Bitesize Daily, BBC Education has teamed up with the company as their first client for the product.

Richard Wormwell, Head of Production Innovation at Dock10, said, “Motion-capture technology is the best way to deliver dynamic movement with AR characters in real-time. The performance artist wears not only a specialist full-body motion-capture suit but also a purpose-designed head rig that allows the deployment of facial-capture technology; the performer’s facial expressions are captured to give the AR character even more personality, from simple smiles and frowns to the more complex eye and eyebrow movements.”

The performer wears a motion capture suit thair is connected to a computer with specialized tracking software. The cables are arranged to enable complete freedom of movement, including activities like running and jumping. Moreover, the performer can interact with other presenters and AR characters in a separate space or within the studio. All the tech remarkably comes together to smoothly deliver the AR character into traditional or virtual sets with only a few frames of delay.

“Traditionally, motion capture has been a time-consuming process with lots of clean-up work required in post. Our solution combines the real-time full-body rendering of characters for an ‘as live’ output. This is something that was not possible before,” Wormwell added.

Andy Waters, Head of Studios at Dock10, said, “Our new solution pushes the boundaries of Augmented Reality, enabling productions to enhance their shows with AR characters that have completely natural movement, in-depth personalities, and that perform in real-time. It is a new way of working that brings cinematic qualities to television and opens up exciting possibilities for productions in almost any genre. It could completely revolutionize entertainment formats and is perfect for prime-time Saturday night television shows.”

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