Snapchat is about to bring art to life yet again using AR through a new Parisian experience.
“Sixty years ago, Christo and Jeanne-Claude dreamt the impossible: wrapping Paris’s monumental Arc de Triomphe. Now, when Christo’s six-decade-long odyssey is due to come to life when Sotheby’s exhibition of the extraordinary artworks he created in preparation for the wrapping launches in Paris – many art lovers around France and the world will not be able to travel and see it,” stated Snap. However, the company has come up with an AR solution for this predicament.
Snap has joined forces with Sotheby’s and Christo to bring the wrapping of the Arc de Triomphe to visitors and snapchatters across the world through a “The Last Christo: Original Works for The Arc de Triomphe” global portal Lens.
You can scan a snapcode to teleport yourself straight to Place de Charles de Gaulle in Paris to witness the wrapping of the Arc and learn all about Christo’s 60-year-long project through your smartphone.
Anyone from anywhere in the world can access the experience, which you can find either on the main Camera screen, on the Snap Map, or by searching for it in Lens Explorer.
“By referencing a series of sketches and visuals, we used a gyroscope Lens feature and animation technology to build ‘The Last Christo: Original Works for The Arc de Triomphe’ global portal Lens. We were able to do so without actually seeing the final result,” Snap stated.
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